In this e-commerce, with OMOROL® and OMOROL® Shop we indicate the business:

Santoro Alex

Via Consolare Valeria, 69

98030 - Sant'Alessio Siculo (ME)

VAT: 03445000833

Public offer:

The products and the related prices shown on this e-commerce represent a public offer in accordance with the methods specified in the "Conditions of sale" and on this site.

The present conditions apply only at the purchases made on this site.


The final price is without VAT, according to the Italian Law (art. 1, commi 54-75, L. 190/2014 - Regime forfettario).

The delivery costs are shown at the time of the order. For more information about them, see the "Payment and delivery" section.

The products are sold with the prices indicated on the site at the moment you order, without considering following price changes or previous offers. 

Registration and "Quick checkout":

To finalize an order, you have two possibilities:

Registration: through the option "Create an account" you can access all the services offered by this site for registered customers, including the address book, returns, newsletter, save the cart, real-time order status and dedicated discounts. 

- Quick checkout: if you are not registered at the site, you can choose the "Order as a guest" option, which let you finalize the order in a very short time, entering only some basic informations. In this case, you won't be able to access services reserved only for customers with accounts.



After the order placing, you will receive a confirmation e-mail which sums up the selected items, the relative prices (including delivery costs), the address for delivery and any particular conditions applicated to the order.

You have to verify the correctness of the data and to communicate immediately, and in real time, any corrections. 

You are responsible about any wrong data you haven't communicated in time. 

In case of unexpected unavailability of the products chosen, we will immediately inform you. 

OMOROL® Shop applies the Italian Law about billing (art. 21 co. 4 lett. a) D.P.R. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 633, art. 2 co. 1 lett. d) D.P.R. 21 dicembre 1996, n. 696, art. 1, commi 54-75, L. 190/2014)

Right of withdrawal:

OMOROL® Shop ricognizes the right of withrawal on the purchased products, according to Italian Law (d.lgs. 6 settembre 2005, n. 206).

You can withraw from the contract within 14 days after the delivery of your order, by sending an e-mail to

OMOROL® refunds only the items values. The PayPal fees are not refundable. Unless otherwhise specified, the refund will be made on the same payment method used for the order.

Products must be returned “as new” in the original packaging, complete of all components, parts and accessories and any element which is part of products, within a maximum of 14 days from the reporting date. In the case the products won't be returned "as new", the refund will be refused.

You have to pay the delivery costs for the return.

OMOROL® Shop will refund the purchases within 14 days after the receiving of the items.

Defective products

OMOROL® is an artisan business. Any small imperfections attest the authenticity of the artisan nature of the products and don't represent a lack of comformity.

Anyway, OMOROL® Shop ensures a 2-years-warranty from the delivery of the items.

In the event that during such period defects in materials of the product arise, OMOROL® Shop can repair, substitute the product or defective parts, practice a price reduction or the cancellation of the contract. 

To request the above remedies, you must report the lack of conformity no later than 2 months from the date on which you discover the defect, by sending an e-mail to

The rights above mentioned can be excircised within a maximum of 26 months from the delivery of the items.


Privacy policy

Your personal data will be collected and processed according to EU Reg. n. 2016/679 (GDPR) and Italian Privacy Law (d.lgs. n. 196/2003 e For more informations see the "Privacy policy" section. 


For all disputes the Court of Messina is competent.

Change of conditions

These "Conditions of use", including payment and delivery terms, as well as everything offered on this e-commerce, may be changed by OMOROL® without notice at any time. It is therefore advisable to consult frequently these conditions, in particular before placing a new order.

However, contracts based on previous conditions will remain unchanged.

Other references

For anything not regulated by these conditions, you can refer to the Italian Law.